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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Full stop

The past 3 months, could have been hell. But i flipped it around, somehow. Promises were broken(and my part.. as usual my naive self! Hmph) rules were changed, and everything was as hay-wired as one wouldn't want it to be.

No pay for 3 months can really change someone. But it taught me how to survive. Like a hostage in a jungle, you SOURCE for ways of survival. The hunter becomes more alert, less forgiving.

I think i did smiled lesser these days, but my brain functioned more. Flexiblity (work-wise lol) has reached an all time high. When the grass withers, YOU move ahead. Some may stay and replant the seeds. But the rain may never come.

The saying is true, you have to kill a part of yourself sometimes, for the better part next time. Every time a hurdle surfaces, i tell myself there are worst things out there. And you face it head on. You should too :) It's worth every invisible penny.

Somehow hor, everytime i work under someone, it doesn't really works well. Maybe i should venture some business.... any ideas? Currently working at a boutique in Chinatown (YES my Jia Xiang!!!) maybe for another month or so, decided to head towards relations :)

hehe... some updates of my cam whore side :P

And guess wat? Im joining AHM n Stand Chart run! Weee~~!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Post of the year

YES. I have not posted for like.. 10 years??!! Nah its just 2 months.

You know.. when im happy or sad i would do the postings. But when im really happy OR sad (or both.. depends) i wouldn't be bothered to pen anything sometimes.

Now, this period, i don't know whether to call it "rage of emotional regression" or "under-developed orgasmic syndrome", if you know what those meant :P

One dear friend told me earlier that me... in a relationship... tends to demand more from the other party after a certain period of courting, or "seducing" or "extended flirtation" (Please ignored my excessive explanations :S)

I mean, personally. after a certain period, i would expect the person to further it out in a relationship. However, certain times, it wouldn't happen, maybe due to no connection, no "click. Then we will drift. I think, personally, i expect things to flow smoothly MOST of the times. Which, obviously, doesn't happen!!!!!

Flipping through my mental year book, i realized i'm more deeply hurt or affected by those relationships that ended abruptly, those that were pretty short(like dates, flings u know those little juggles). And oh dear, there's one that's gonna be imprinted into the book pretty soon.

Maybe coz it ended so suddenly, no given reason, even though everything seems to connect. Yes i used the world "seems", coz its seen in my world of view. Dear everyone out there, Sometimes its just much nicer of us to tell the other party whether we love them, like them, or just wanna flirt with them, in the face. YES. I know thats pretty impossible! Even i cant do that sometimes. But that's just one of those fitted along the wish lists, hoping one day it will come true we will sin no more.

HMPH. Just a spat of unanswered matters in my mind. I need answersssssssssssssss. OK, give me a week. Anyways, i left my job. OH MY GOSH. Yes i did. And im pretty over, walking with my hands. :) im still smiling, its obstacles we must face in order to be a stronger man that we can be.

And it's ok to feel weak sometimes, its when we take a little break :P
HUGS everyone.