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Sunday, March 22, 2009


Was it something i did the previous time
that didn't fulfill the request of someone up there
that made my life like a tape
that's on constant rewind??

Was it something i didn't do
that change the fate of things ever-lasting
that turned my the tables not once
but maybe too many times
and I'm back at times Square?

maybe i've been thinking
maybe everything has its place
and i'm sure of it

but whose idea was it
that made me fell in love with love
the purest of its kind
which really isnt love at all

And where am i to find it
when people here are companions
where thoughts seldom become actions
but actions in disguise

let's play the game again
like Gaga's little "love game"
be happy and needy
or cry with Katy's
Coz "im thinking of you'

Who ever "you" may be....